Slave Documents

 ======= New Moon Rising Owner and slave Registry ========

This database is for Owners and their slaves to publically record their submission.

To become registered:

1) The Owner pay this registry fee of I'z 25 to the Ubar of New Moon Rising.

2) The Owner and slave should then send IM to Onyx Rain stating that the information was sent and that both have made this agreement of submission and acceptance. The following information should be sent to the Ubar Onyx Rain via notecard:

The slave's name, and owner's name, as they should be SPELLED on the certificate (be sure of spelling - fixes will cost an additional I'z 100.  Also note that slave names are normally not capitalized). You will receive a copy of the certificate once it is created, and one will also be added to the Hall of Records for public viewing.

3) The slave will then assigned a registration #, and the papers will be sent to the Owner of the slave.

Certificates are created once a day (EST).  The date used on the certificate will be date of request, unless the original submission date is provided with the above information.

======= Sample of New Moon Registry Certificate =======

Slave's Name:
Registration Number:
Owner's Name:
Date of Submission:

== Enter information above, save, and return copy to Ubar Onyx Rain ==
Be sure to get the data right the first time, as I do not save copies that can be easily edited.  Corrections cost I'z 100.

New owner means new registration.


Slave Papers

===Brief Bio of Slave===

Girl's/Boy's name is <<name>>.

<<slave>> submitted to Master/Mistress <<name>>, <<position or caste>> of <<home city or Gor if not resident>> on <<date>>.

Girl/Boy is a(n) unrestricted/restricted red/white silk pleasure/tower slave.  <<list specific behavior indications like kneeling or travel limitations>>

Any comments of concerns about this girl/boy should be directed to her/his owner, Master/Mistress <<name>>.  She/He is not to be punished save by Him/Her though she/he may be reprimanded. ((otherwise may state that any Free may punish this slave))

Girl/Boy was branded on <<date>> with the <<brand description or name if common brand>> by <<branding Master/Mistress>> at <<city or camp where branding was done>>.

Girl/Boy last was given her/his shots on <<date>> and **girls only** was given slave wine last on <<date>>.

**Current Documentation should include the last health statement, any active rights-waiving statements and current ownership documents.  All other paperwork should be in the Old Documentation section.  All paperwork should be chronologically ordered with newest appearing first.**

Current Documentation:

Old Documentation:

=== Documented Slave Information ===

Measurements ex. (Neck, Wrists, Ankles and Waist):
General Health:
Last Shots and Slave wine received:
Training received:
Previous Owners?